Sondrel Reference IP Enables HPC SoCs While Reducing Cost and Design Time by 30 Percent

By Brandon Lewis


Embedded Computing Design

May 18, 2021


Sondrel has added the SFA 300 reference design to its semi-custom SoC IP portfolio. Consisting of four-CPU clusters featuring 4 TOPS per channel of AI processing and 400 GOPS per channel of DSP performance, clusters can be daisy chained via the PCIe interface to create HPC solutions. The IP reuse solution enables the creation of differentiated AI, 8K video, blockchain, data analytics, and other high-performance data processing solutions by integrating customer-specific IP such that design time and cost can be reduced by up to 30 percent.

The SFA 300 framework includes a network-on-chip, multi-width data path, internal RAM, data conflict arbitration, and data security components. Because on-chip, off-chip interfaces are standardized, the SFA 300 framework allows the selection of four CPUs that best fit the processing needs of each channel. The IP its also power efficient enough that SoC designs can be configured to run off a battery.

The third offering in Sondrel’s “Architecting the Future IP” platforms, the SFA 300 can also be paired with turnkey Sondrel services that take designs through testing and shipping silicon. 

The SFA300 datasheet can be downloaded from

Brandon is responsible for guiding content strategy, editorial direction, and community engagement across the Embedded Computing Design ecosystem. A 10-year veteran of the electronics media industry, he enjoys covering topics ranging from development kits to cybersecurity and tech business models. Brandon received a BA in English Literature from Arizona State University, where he graduated cum laude. He can be reached at

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