
1102 Silver Lake Road
Cary, Illinois
Articles related to Coilcraft
Analog & Power

Using off-the-shelf transformers to drive SiC FETs - Whitepaper

June 21, 2024

Transformers are an essential component for properly driving and optimizing the use of wide band-gap devices like SiC FETs.

Analog & Power

The Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Compliance - Whitepaper

March 01, 2024

The continual increased use of electronics and electrical products has led to an environment filled with many signal and noise sources across a wide range of frequencies. 

Analog & Power

Getting Started: An Introduction to Inductor Specifications - Whitepaper

November 02, 2023

Learn the key performance ratings you will need to understand and analyze when specifying RF and Power Inductors into your designs.

Analog & Power

Selecting Current Sense Transformers for Switched-mode Power Supplies - Whitepaper

October 02, 2023

Accurate in-circuit current measurements are often required to limit over-current, control power circuits, and optimize circuit performance.

Analog & Power

Choosing Inductors for Energy Efficient Power Applications - Whitepaper

August 31, 2023

For battery-powered applications, battery life is extended by improving the efficiency of the entire power supply circuit, and inductor efficiency is often a major consideration in the design.

Analog & Power

Selecting Current Sense Transformers for Switched-mode Power Supplies - Whitepaper

June 29, 2023

Accurate in-circuit current measurements are often required to limit over-current, control power circuits, and optimize circuit performance.

Analog & Power

Operating Voltage Ratings for Inductors - Whitepaper

June 01, 2023

Voltage ratings are often specified for many electronic components, including capacitors, resistors and integrated circuits, but traditionally this has been rare for inductors.