videantis GmbH

Rotermundstraße 11
Hannover, Lower Saxony 30165
+49 (511) 51 522 3 – 0
videantis GmbH
Articles related to videantis GmbH

videantis Achieves Automotive SPICE Level 2 Certification - News

December 02, 2021

videantis announced the achievement of Automotive SPICE Level 2 certification. Automotive SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination) is a domain specific version of the international Standard ISO 15504 to assess automotive suppliers regarding their capabilities in design, development, testing, and maintenance of software.


videantis Announces Processing Platform for Fail-Operational Systems - News

October 25, 2021

videantis, a supplier of deep learning, computer vision, image processing and video coding solutions, announced availability of its technological platform for fail-operational processing at reduced cost for both smart sensors and highly integrated central ECUs.